
GOFAR’s effectiveness has been proven in 8 separate trials covering almost 5 million km of driving.

The data consistently shows that GOFAR nudges drivers to driving styles that are cheaper for the driver and safer for everyone.

In a multi million km trial (2018-19) involving 1,000 drivers aged under 25 conducted by the NSW Government State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) in conjunction with the Centre for Road Safety showed that drivers with GOFAR spent 10% less time speeding and had 23% less harsh braking.

Contact us to explore the potential for GOFAR’s in-car technology and real-world data to assist your organisation with its road safety and compliance goals.

Research Trials

Trial 1: Internal

  • 16 different drivers drove the same car around the same urban track once with no feedback and once with feedback from GOFAR’s Ray
  • The average improvement on fuel economy was 15.7%
  • GOFAR proved intuitive and easy to learn
  • Journey time was 3% quicker but maximum peak speeds were reduced and idling was reduced too.
  • RPM was reduced by 8% from 1256 to 1189 – indicating a changed driving style.
  • Braking events recorded over -0.2G force were halved.

Trial 2: Corporate Eco-driving Trial

  • 4 employees of a not for profit used GOFAR for 2 months. They drove with no feedback for the first month to establish a baseline and then used GOFAR and the Ray to get feedback on their driving in the second month.
  • One driver improved fuel economy by 34%, one by 26%, one by 10% and one by 5%.
  • The average improvement was a very significant 19%.
  • The trial covered 12,000km

Trial 3: Uber trial

  • 3 Uber drivers drove with GOFAR for two months.
  • For the first two weeks, we measured but did not give any feedback. In the final 6 weeks, we gave feedback from GOFAR once the baselines had been established. The trial included one diesel, one petrol and one hybrid car.
  • The average improvement on fuel economy was 8.7% on predominantly urban stop-start driving.  The smallest improvement was 4.3%.
  • These three Uber drivers averaged 40,000km a year so the annual average fuel saving for rideshare drivers was $443 a year, every year for a one off purchase.
  • The trial covered 24,000km

Trial 4: UK Insurer

  • 18 staff members used GOFAR in their personal cars for 2.5 months.
  • They drove with no feedback initially and then after 4 weeks, the Ray was turned on.
  • The average fuel saving was 10.81%
  • 100% of users set up the device on their own with no assistance. It was universally reported as easy to do so.
  • 60% reported they would pay to use the product in their car.
  • 55% reported GOFAR had improved their driving, 35% thought not and 10% were not sure.
  • According to the insurer’s report, “The driver group were impressed with how easy the OBD was to install and the aesthetics of the Device”.
  • 75% of respondents would be happy to install GOFAR as part of a telematics reward programme
  • 70% of respondents found the information provided by Ray and the app useful.
  • The trial covered 26,000km

Trial 5: Australian Roadside Assist provider

  • 3 staff members trialled GOFAR, driving first with just the GOFAR Adapter  to establish the baseline and then with the GOFAR Ray to see the effect of feedback.
  • A 2% improvement in the economy was targeted. 6.3% was achieved (with the best improvement of 15.3% over 3 months)
  • The trial covered 8,000km
  • 24.7% reduction in harsh braking events per 100km
  • 10.9% reduction in heavy acceleration events per 100km

Trial 6: Corporate Trial

  • GOFAR was installed in 2 pool cars to see if they were treated with greater respect.
  • Drivers were informed the cars were part of a pilot in the baseline phase and during the phase when feedback was turned on.
  • Harsh braking events were reduced significantly and fuel costs were reduced by 22%.
  • One car had a traffic incident during the trial and we were able to plot out what happened to help the insurance claims process.

Trial 7: Single driver, long commute

  • This was a long term trial with one driver to assess ongoing improvement on a single journey.
  • Over 52 commutes from home to work, fuel economy improved from an initial 5.4 L/100km to an impressive 4.9 L/100km

Trial 8: NSW Government Young Driver Pilot

  • In Australia’s largest ever telematics randomised control trial, one thousand young drivers were randomly split into two groups of 500 each.
  • GOFAR was used to measure both groups but the Treatment group received feedback from GOFAR and the Control group did not.
  • Drivers received GOFAR’s efficiency algorithm feedback and additional feedback that indicated to the driver if they were speeding above the local limit.
  • As per normal, Ray glowed blue if driving was good and red if it was not.
  • The group receiving GOFAR live feedback improved over the Control group on every measure.
  • 23% reduction in harsh braking
  • 20% reduction in aggressive acceleration
  • 10% reduction in speeding
  • 38% reduction in high range speeding (driving 20kph+ over the limit)
  • Using Nilsson’s Model to translate speed reductions into accidents reductions, introducing GOFAR’s live driver feedback cuts accidents by 5%.
  • UPDATE: See the full report here.
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